Thursday, November 29, 2007
it's been awhile
i can pick up our holiday pictures from sears tomorrow. i'm excited to see how my $300 investment turned out. i'm really excited for the 20x20 framed collage i got. i think it's going to go over the fireplace. and then maybe i'll do the same thing for her 1st birthday and start a yearly tradition.
christmas decorations are slowly going up. i've got pretty much everything up inside except the trees. well, there's a tree with only lights on it in marley's room. i think i'm going to get her a new ornament or two every year for "her tree". i'm hoping this weekend i'll be able to go out and get our real tree, put up the one in the family room for my wendell august ornaments and get my outside stuff up. we'll see. who knows how the weather is going to be this time of the year around here.
marley is now eating cerel twice a day at daycare, and then stage 1 purees for me at home in the evenings. last night i gave her sweet potatos and applesause. it's the first time i really offered two different ones at the same time. she did fine, no confusion or problems with different tastes. and the veggies were warmed but the fruit was room temp. and she rolled back to front for the first time last night too! of course it was so she could see the tv better . . . that's my girl :) and she hasn't done it since that i know of.
Sunday, November 18, 2007
random picture
this is just a random picture i used to try out the editing stuff in picasa. i think i'm going to put it in a wood frame with brown mat i currently have empty in my living room. it's waiting for some "special" pictures i'll write about later.

Wednesday, November 14, 2007
4 months old
speaking of being cute and crying, i think she makes the funniest face when she cries. now, she doesn't do it often so when she does have a crying fit i kinda have to laugh. i'll try to get a good picture of her one day for the blog.
marley gets to "officially" eat food by spoon now. yeah! we're to have cereal 3-4 times a day, eat it at my schedule . . . . yeah right. i don't think i've had breakfast, or 3 regular meals, since i was pregnant and told to gain weight! and then when she has the feeding part down, i can go ahead and start stage 1 foods. (i could start now b/c she took to the spoon beautifully on the first try, she anticipates the next bite, she closes her mouth around the spoon and hardly spits any out during the swallow process.) so i think this saturday we'll hit giant eagle and buy us some goodies and start foods then. i'm really excited for this step, but not looking forward to having to get up even earlier to now fit in some cereal.
one negative side effect of her appointment was that this afternoon she was miserable. i think the shots kicked in. she didn't get a fever, but she really just wanted to be held by her mom. and marley is not like that usually. so we cuddled, and had some more milk. but then she finally fell asleep and took a long long nap. the girl who never naps during the day slept for like 2 hours. i left her in her swing in the living room, but didn't try to be quiet or anything. and still she slept. i finally woke her up, gave her a bath and some cereal. she played for about 30 minutes and then started fussing. she drank a whole bottle, during which she usually gets very sleepy and then goes straight to bed. not tonight. with that power nap behind her she was raring to go! she laid under her play gym talking a mile a minute for a good hour. she's finally now in bed and all sounds quiet up there.
oh - she weighed 15lbs 7oz, measured 25". something like 81st percentile for weight and 75th percentile for height.
i didn't get a picture today. maybe tomorrow
Sunday, November 11, 2007
Unexpected "emergency"
A: You shut your bedroom door, making sure it latches, to keep the dog out.
Q: What do you do when you hear your 4 month old (today!) baby starting to wake up and cry from the swing downstairs?
A: You go get her.
Q: What do you do when you try to open the closed bedroom door, it's stuck, you try harder and the doorknob falls off?
I don't have a good answer for this one. I panicked. alot. i pounded on the door, i tried to pull the painted-over pins out to take the door off the hinges, and i tried to jimmy something with the only tool i could find in my bedroom - a small standard screwdriver to use for eyeglasses. then i opened the window and started yelling. my neighboors next door must have decided to go to church . . . hello divine intervention working backwards. the 3 teenagers coming out of the brown house stopped and looked around the the yelling, but must have decided that the "hey you guys with hats on at the brown house" didn't mean them. Then i climbed onto the roof (I had seen my dad do this successfully to clear the leaves out of the gutters) and tried to get in the bathroom window. The window itself wasn't latched, but the storm window was down. apparently storm windows not only protect your house from storms but from mothers trying to break into their own house to get to their babies. finally my neighbor from the other side of the house figured out what was going on while he was climbing into his van to go fishing. THANK GOD FOR FISHERMAN! the doors were locked so he lent me his cell phone to call my dad to come with his spare key. with very stern directions to my sister to tell my dad to leave immediately, no pissing around.
we finally figured out that i might have left my car unlocked last night - which i did. so my neighbor was able to get in through my garage and then had to get some pliers from his house to open the door.
during this whole thing marley was sitting in her swing watching an old cary grant movie on tv. i challange anyone to tell me tv is not good for children now.
i am now taking off all the door knobs in the house and will replace them as i can.
Thursday, November 8, 2007
The Chatterbox

She loves it. And I mean loves it. No matter what mood she's in if I put her under this toy she imemdiately smiles and starts to kick the ball to make the music and lights go. It's the first toy that she started to purposefully use her hands to swat at something with. She also like to tell The Bear about her day. She talks loudly to him, looking right at his face. And she the music and lights start, she smiles back at him. Almost as if she thinks he's talking back to her.
The point of all this information is that after I picked Marley up from daycare yesterday, we had to run some errands. She always falls asleep in the car, and she ended up sleeping the entire time we were out. We got home around 7:30 and I had to wake her up for a bottle. She was pretty happy and content, but sorta lazy. I told her she could visit with The Bear for a few minutes while Mama took care of some stuff (mainly a potty break :) ) and then we'd play. I left her chattering happily to The Bear, with Peyton vigilantly watching their every move from the chair. After a couple of minutes I don't hear anyone making any noise, so I peek in. Marley is sound asleep in the floor with her binky tight in her mouth, Peyton is asleep in the chair and Mama is sooooo disappointed. No one to play with. And Marley let The Bear put her to sleep rather than needing our usual routine.
So I think I saw my daughter awake for about 45 minutes total yesterday. That's a sad day.
Saturday, November 3, 2007
A Beautiful Saturday Afternoon
Our first post!!
My thoughts on creating this blog are to have a way to share with family and friends all the goings ons in our lives. Everyone has been so very supportive as our little family gets it's start and through these postings I hope that each and every one of you can see what a difference you've made for us. And what new mom doesn't like to brag?? huh?? Come on . . . admit it. You've all done it too.
As November begins, it's hard to believe that Marley is almost 4 months old. That's 16 weeks! When you're pregnant, everyone tells you how fast they grow up. I'll admit that I couldn't appreciate how it does actually feel like it FLIES. The big milestone with turning 4 months has to be the beginning of spoon-feeding. And i very distinctly remember the day she turned 2 months and thinking to myself "she's halfway to being able to eat cereal, and we're barely getting 3 oz in her for each bottle!!" As a speech pathologist who works with little kiddos, I've really been looking forward to trying spoon-feeding and eventually a sippy cup.
We've just had our first big holiday . . . . Halloween. As usual I bought way way way too much candy and am now hunting down receipts to return some of it. Not all of it because i'm sure i can put the peanut butter cups to good use somehow. maybe by placing them in my mouth and bringing my teeth together in an up and down fashion?? just a thought. marley was a hit in the neighborhood. her little cow bunting costume was adorable and her eyes looked so blue. and her talking and laughing to anyone and everyone how payed her a lick of attention didn't do much harm either :)
i'm going to try to figure out how to add pictures and all the fancy extra's to thos blog soon. maybe this weekend?? yeah -single working mom's have all the time in the world to sit and do this kind of stuff.
i'm getting ready to click "publish post" and i'll admit i'm nervous. wish me luck :)