oh yes. it starts early in the frost household.
wednesday night, marley was just not going to sleep and maybe seemed a little off. by 10 pm (she has never been up that late) i decided to take her temp b/c her cheeks were flushed. she wasn't warm mind you, but hey, at least i felt like i was doing something. no fever of course. she's just kinda lying on my bed, i stand up to put her dirty diaper on top of the dresser away from the cat and dog, and the next thing i know she's sliding off the bed head first onto the floor. the hardwood floor. so we call the dr. on call, are told what to watch for as far as any possible head-injury and go about our night. she cried, yeah, but the thing never even bruised.
thursday they say she's fine all day at daycare. i get her home and barely inside the door and she starts puking. one of the things to watch for. i call the dr, get the on-call message, which basically tells you to go to the e.r. so we picked up grandma at work (thank god she happened to be working late that night) and off we went.
turns out it was a virul tummy issue rather than a head injury. you'd think that would be just a simple trip to the er right?? if you've been reading this blog at all, you know that wouldn't be the case for us . . .
1. on monday i had taken marley for her 9 mo well baby visit, to be told that for some still-unknown-yet-now-resolved-reason her health insurance had been termintated. so i'm sitting the the waiting room sweating what to do if they turn us away or send me a huge bill.
2. they have these crazy pediatric bed/cribs that i put the railing up on just to see how it worked and then couldn't get it back down. with my baby inside of it. puking.
3. there was a mom and kid in the room next too us, i'm not sure what the kid was having done but the mom fainted. which resulted in alot of staff yelling and running. you would have thought it was a full code like on "trauma in the e.r." on t.l.c. ended up the mom had to be then admitted into the e.r. herself.
4. they had a fire drill.
5. i got the flu. then so did jonah, aidan, marcy, tim and my dad. jury's still out on my mom and andrew (who unsuspectingly came home for a visit and ended up having to run ginger ale and pedialite back and forth to everyone - we love you uncle drew xoxo).
only us.
i did take pictures on my cell phone and i'll try to figure that jazz out so you can see them.
Monday, April 21, 2008
Sunday, April 6, 2008
We are officially . . .
Friday, April 4, 2008
March 2008

hello again friends. boy am i tired. all this rolling around just wears me out! the big news this month is that we have a new addition to our family. pete is my new puppy. he's part jack russell terrier and pomeranian. well, that's what we think anyway. he's keeping us all busy.
like i said, i've been moving around alot. you put me on the floor and i'm gone. i love to get into my mom's basket of magazines. and then i try to eat them. for some reason i really like the taste of paper.
i've been getting a little frustrated too. i don't understand why a girl can't have things her way, when she wants them. is that too much to ask? why does my mom keep telling me "no" and moving me somewhere else? and i really hate it when she takes something away from me. the other day we were in the grocery store and i was happily minding my own business chewing on a birthday card. all of a sudden my mean mom takes it away from me! to add insult to injury she tries to give me her keys to chew on. well, i voiced my displeasure for quite awhile in that store. they won't forget me there anytime soon.
i'm eating alot of table foods now. i like pretty much anything. on bathnights mom lets me have a teething biscuit or a messy cookie. yummy. and my pincer grasp is perfect now. sometimes i can even move the food nicely from one hand to the other. thank god for thumbs!! and on aidan's birthday i had cake and ice cream. woo-hoo!! i'm liking that stuff.
my first st. patricks day and easter were nice. alot of good memories with family and friends. and maybe next year i'll be allowed to have some of that candy-stuff that was in the plastic easter eggs. just have to wait and see i guess.
i'm crawling a little bit. well, forward that is (i can go about 3 "steps"). now backwards i'm a pro. i can make it clear across the room. i can also transition from laying on the floor to sitting very nicely now. pretty soon my crib mattress will have to be lowered because i've pulled to stand once or twice by myself.
i'm really talking alot too. and singing now. my mom and i watch sign language videos sometimes during my last bottle (our cuddle time) and she's showing me how to move my hands to make the signs.
spring has arrived around here and i'm really looking forward to spending some time outside. going to the park, walking the dog, maybe getting a swing (hint hint mom!) . . . stuff like that. i hope you all enjoy the warmer weather too!!
see you next month - MARLEY :)
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