Monday, October 27, 2008
Saturday, October 25, 2008
Trick or Treating

Monday, October 20, 2008
just a quick picture update. marley got a new playroom. finally. and she loves loves loves it. she especially likes to sit in her new beanbag and watch her tv. it's pretty much the only time she's not in movement.
she's also got some new medicine. we're still feeling the effects of that nasty rsv last february. she has to have a breathing treatment each and every night, and sleep with the vaporizer. i'd been giving her zyrtec every night too in an attempt to be ahead of any cold. but that hasn't been working, so she's now on singular every night. god love her, she picked it up and chewed it like a champ! her first big girl medicine (sorta sad huh? she's only 15 months and has the medicinal routine of a senior citizen.)! she also gets benedryl on top of that when her "allergies" start kicking in. and since we've been trying to figure this all out, she happened to sneak in a sinus infection. which has now moved into her eye, and she gets eye drops 3 times a day. and she's still on 2 prescription diaper creams - - and still has a rash. AAGH!!
i got a new office/scrap room. and the computer started going all crazy every time it was turned on, so i got a new one of those too.
and 2 weeks ago, mabel gave us a surprise. in the form of giving birth on my bed. while i was sleeping in it. i didn't hear a thing until just after it was all over (thank god i guess) so it was quite the shocker at 1:30 am! i'm not sure who was more surprised - me, mabel or peyton (who now sits beside the basket and cries every time she hears the kitten meow - i'm sure you all remember peyton's false pregnancy last christmas - it's aparently permently damaged her psyche).
and in the midst of all this - my car battery died one day (thank god i had come home to go to the bathroom as wasn't in the projects somewhere!). and i thought i had a nasty sinus infection, was on 2 rounds of antibiotics and still not getting better. one day i couldn't handle the pain any more so i went to the er - i was sure a spider or something had crawled into my ear. they found no sign of infection, told me to go to the dentist. he tries to pull a badly decaying and leaking tooth and it shatters. so he has to SURGICALLY REMOVE THE TOOTH FROM MY MOUTH!! resulting in i think 6 stiches and him having to cancel all his afternoon appointments.
so the next time your dr's office calls you at the last minute to reschedule because of an emergency, shame on you for thinking he's out golfing.
and if you haven't heard from me in a while, you know now why!! cheerio :)