my sister informed me that i have not updated my blog since the last prime time presidental new conference! i'm such a slacker.
but in the 6-ish weeks since then we've been dealing with illness. surprise. someone in my house is sick. shocker, i know. marley has had 2 ear infections, something called "atypical pneumonia" and is currently suffering from a mysterious high fever. no other symptoms, just the fever. but i think she's finally on the mend now because she only had to have tylenol once today :) but she's now in her bed doing the whole "i'm so uncomfortable in my skin" whiny thing. i'm trying to see if she'll settle back down on her own.
i've been working on the living room and dining room remodel. i've got just a few boards of trim to stain and then my super wonderful dad and brother can put them up. then i think all i have to do is fill in the nail holes and slap some sealer stuff on and we're good to go! woo-hoo!
then i can move on to the upstairs. yikes. it's never ending. i'm hosting the shipe family christmas party this year, so my goal is to have doors that can be closed (safely closed, remember how i got myself stuck in my bedroom?) by the party. i'm not very good at finishing things, so everyone keep their fingers crossed for me.
i'm also thinking me and the mooster need to be taking a little vaca in the upcoming months. just to get away, see some different scenery, etc. anybody out there have any good suggestions. hali - we will not be coming to see you. that's not a vacation!
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