Tomorrow she'll be two. wow. so much has time has passed, but it still seems like yesterday. I can still smell her newborn baby smell, remember how her skin felt so loose on her body before she started chubbin' up. i remembered how my heart stopped at her first smile and how i had to call my mom right away and how i cried a little at it all. And now she's insisiting on unpacking her own Happy Meals. Tonight she asked for 'pretty nails like mama's" so we painted her toes sparkly red for her party tomorrow. And as I carried her to bed, i told her when she woke up she'd be 2 and that i would make her a special breakfast. She put her hand on my cheek, looked right at me and said " and i will eat it all gone". Last week we gave up the binky forever, on monday she argued with me about what clothes and shoes she wanted to wear, and tonight she just almost got her nightgown on all by herself. She says please and thank-you without having to be asked, she calls her grandma "honey", her top lip smirks up like elvis (and her mom!) when she says "orange" and "gross". She discovered strawberry milk tonight, and looks for pictures in the clouds when we ride in the car. She sings songs at random times, just because they must be running through her head. I hope her life always has a soundtrack and that she'll never be afraid to sing it out loud. That's my wish tonight for my two year old.
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