since i blogged. only cow.
lets see, big news in that marley started a new day care in september. and WE LOVE IT! she has done so well and i am so very proud of her for taking such a tough transition into stride. she comes home with crafts/activities every day, i get a detailed note every day on what she did and how things went, i speak to the same teacher in the morning and the same teacher in the afternoon every day (so none of the "i wasn't here" answers i got at the old center - very frustrating) and marley is so much more appropriately stimulated throughout the day.
we started up with tumbling classes again. it's about 45 minutes every wednesday evening. marley is really growing with these experiences. not only are we learning about physicial activity and promoting good health habits, marley is also learning about taking turns, waiting for turns and follwing a structured routine with specific sets of steps. her favorite part though is the dancing in the warm-ups. my girls loves to dance! and last night she really tried so hard to jump with both feet in the air a number of times in succession on the trampoline, i was so proud! usually she just wants to run to the other end :(
we had a really nice halloween too. marley was harry potter and she LOVED the dressing up and going from house to house for candy concept. she always remembered her "thank you"'s :) and she was very excited when we got home and Honey and Grandpa were waiting for her.
Marley also got new furniture for her bedroom. a new dresser and bookshelf from IKEA (mom's favorite store). we got a twin bed from Honey and Grandpa, but i still need to paint it. then she'll be sleeping in a big big girl bed.
in other "important" news, marley got the swine flu vaccine last week. she is determined at risk because of her young age and her asthma. of course, i will compltete a scrapbook layout about the event b/c it's such a big deal current events wise. it really got me thinking though, and put alot into perspective, about how fragile her health really is due to her asthma. not matter how well the dr and i "manage" the risks and symptoms . . . anything could happen. it's kinda scary if i dwell on it too much. and then it brought back all the frustration/anger i had from when she got RSV in the first place. the 2 other children in her daycare room with RSV were back to daycare the next day - fevers and all. maybe if their parents had kept them home until they were fever free for 24 hours (as the regulations clearly stated) and the daycare inforced that, she might not have ever gotten sick. she might still have, i don't know. she was the last kiddo to get it, that i know of, and i kept her home for the 10 days as my dr instructed. coincidence? don't even get me started on when she got mono!!
on a happier note, we're going to north carolina to visit the bakelaar's (minus dr. ryan) for thanksgiving. marley is going to love playing with kate, and i'm sure luke will be sick of marley always in his face by the time we leave :)
happy fall!!
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