Sunday, December 21, 2008

it's beginning to look alot like christmas

marley's been pretty busy since thanksgiving. the living room and dining room floors were refinished and it took way longer than mommy thought, so marley had to eat her meals in the playroom. where everything was crammed in to clear out the other rooms! the sycamore center (her daycare) had their christmas program. marley's class sang "away in a manger". we decorated christmas cookies. grandma and grandpa invited us all to their house for tree decorting and pizza. marley played in and ate the snow one afternoon. we went to keon's birthday party at the tumble zone. marley had a blast! she especially liked the trampoline runner and the uneven bars. we visited kraynaks for their christmas tree display. marley cried. alot. she was pretty scared. but she loved standing outside the door dancing to the loud music.
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