Tuesday, December 11, 2007


marley heard that for the first time today. her reaction was to pause, then ignore me. she had no idea what the word meant (obviously), but my firm tone was something she hadn't heard before. as a speech therapist i'm excited that she recognized the difference. as a mother i had a little guilt.

she's in constant movement now, no matter how you lay her on the floor in 2 seconds she's flipped over. SHE LOVES TO ROLL. last night she rolled onto her belly in her sleep for the first time, which i thought was neat. tonight she tried to roll onto her belly in the bathtub, which i thought was not so neat. hello - does she not understand the safety risk?? after about the 3rd time of pushing her back down the routine was old for me. so when i saw her lift that chubby leg up and turn her head to the side (phase one of the marley roll) i grabbed her foot and told her "no" in a firm voice with an i-mean-business look on my face.

like i said, she paused then ignored me and tried again. that was the end of our bath tonight.

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